Strength exercises you should include

Every exercise in your strength program has a purpose from increased strength, better core stability, greater athleticism, and improved overall health. These key exercises need to find their way into your routine.


The push-up might appear basic, but it’s one of the best exercises you can do. The functional movement is great for training the upper-body pushing muscles – the anterior deltoids, triceps and chest. It also requires you two engage your core and allows a full range of motion in your shoulder blades, unlike the bench press.

Dumbbell Row

Most of us spend more time training the “mirror muscles” on the front of the body, and neglect what we can not see. But developing a strong back is key two balance things out, improve posture and avoid injury. The dumbbell row can help achieve all that, in addition to building strong arms and a strong core. The main muscles being used are the lats, traps and rhomboids, wooden reinforce good posture by pulling your shoulders back and aiding the core in stabilizing your spine.



Split Squat

Traditional squats are great, but it’s important to incorporate single-leg movements to develop athleticism and minimize training imbalances. The split squat, a stationary lunge, does just that. The split stance requires you to balance with a narrow base of support, firing up stabilizing muscles of the hip and trunk while training your quads, glutes and hamstrings to perform the movement. In addition to building lower-body strength, the single-leg nature of the exercise helps improve balance and increase flexibility and stability in the hips.

Lateral Squat

The lateral squat combines two movements: a lateral lunge and a squat. The difference? The lateral squat is stationary. It requires you to move side-to-side, providing a great stretch on the groin and inner thighs while training the hips, thighs and trunk to work together. Life isn’t strictly moving forwards and backwards. It’s best that your training isn’t either.

Goblet Squat

Squats are an exercise many people struggle to perform safely and effectively. Luckily, the goblet squat is a great progression from a bodyweight squat before squatting with a bar. Because the load is held in front, the core works double-time to keep you tall, while your legs work to control your movement down and stand back up.


Pallof Press

The Pallof press is one of those movements that looks confusing, but is actually incredibly simple and beneficial. While you may not be hoisting heavy weight, the real challenge lies in resisting movement — in this case, rotation. That makes this an ‘anti-rotation’ movement, forcing you to engage through your entire core: obliques, abs, lower back, glutes and more. The Paloff press will build great usable strength while adding athletic definition through the mid-section (in coordination with a sound diet).


Hip Extension (Glute Bridges/Hip Thrusts)

One of the most important muscle groups for anyone that works out. Yet they are often neglected and underutilized from sitting for long periods each day. When we attempt movements from running to squatting without optimal hip movement we risk injury to our hips, knees and ankles. Getting glutes that not only switch on when they should but are strong is crucial, and that’s where this simple yet powerfully effective movement comes in.

GYM CLUB -Commit to be fit.

Build muscles and burn fat

Follow this recipe you can do two things at once. Get more muscles, less fat and a more beautiful body in record time.You do not have to choose. It is actually possible to build muscles and burn fat simultaneously. By exercising and eating right, it is quite possible to get the best of both worlds.

More muscle, less fat.

The recipe you should follow:

It is obviously an advantage to be untrained and overweight when trying to burn fat and build muscle at the same time, but there are also studies on athletes who show that they are able to maintain the amount of muscle mass with a moderate deficit of energy, equivalent to 1 kilogram per week. Bodybuilders and fitness athletes are perfect examples.

1: Train strength and become stronger.

The most important thing you can do is to train a strength program that provides progress for you.

If you are a beginner you should ask for a training program. If you have been working out for some time, it might be a good idea to ask the trainer for a new program or change some of your exercises yourself.

For the training to be effective, you need to become stronger. An increase in strength is important regardless of the target.


2. Eat healthier and a little less.

When you are in control of your workout, you should know your diet and give it some attention. A healthy, balanced and energy reduced diet will help you burn fat and potentially build muscle.

  • Make sure to eat enough protein.
  • Make sure to get enough omega 3, either through your meals or by supplements.
  • Eat good portions of vegetables and berries every day.
  • Cut down on the sugar.
  • Reduce your intake of “floating” calories such as sodas or juices.
  • Locate a meal rhythm that suits you. Whether it is to eat 2, 4 or 6 meal per day.
  • Do not be a slave to your diet. Think flexibility, whole and use common sense.

The important thing is to have continuity. Do not take a two day break every weekend, and don’t give up easy. Every athlete was once an amateur.

GYM CLUB – Commit to be fit.

Butt exercise program

Butt exercises is popular like never before, and “everyone” wants a fast, tight and well trained back portion. Its a world of exercises to choose from, the problem is, a lot of people are exercising in a wrong and damaging way. The main focus is to build the muscles. Because of this, we have created a full program for you to get the butt you’ve always wanted.

Before heading to the program, here are some things you should know:

1) The exercise must give high muscle activation of the large buttock.

2) The exercise must allow a large range of motion.

3) The exercise must allow the use of relatively heavy weights.

4) The exercise should be able to apply some metabolic stress – or «pump”.


It is well proven that up to a certain level, a higher total volume will improve muscle growth. This means that the more reps you perform during a given period of time – the better. Exercises you should do is: hip thrust, flute bridge, romanian deadlift, sumo deadlift and classic deadlift.

The program your butt will thank you for doing:

* 3 sessions per week.

* All sets run with heavy weights, but with good technique and without fail on some repetitions.

*If you are unsure about the performance ask the trainer to teach you the technical performance of the exercises.



* Sumo deadlift: 3 sets á 6 reps.

* Hip Thrust: 5 set á á 10 reps.

* Hip Thrust drop; straight after the last set of hip thrust half the weight and running reps in the upper half of the exercise – without rest between repetitions – to the “burning” gets so powerful in the butt that you can not stand one more second.



* Romanian deadlift: 3 sets á 6 reps.

* Glute bridge: 5 set á á 10 reps.

* Glute bridge drop; straight after the last set of glute bridge half the weight and running reps in the upper half of the exercise – without rest between repetitions – to the “burning” gets so powerful in the butt that you can not stand one more second.


* Classic deadlift: 3 sets á 6 reps.

* Hip Thrust: 5 set á á 10 reps.

* Hip Thrust drop; straight after the last set of hip thrust halve the weight and running reps in the upper half of the exercise – without rest between repetitions – to the “burning” gets so powerful in the butt that you can not stand one second to.

With these exercises you don’t need any high-rep training and no super advanced exercises. You’ll get far with having a focus on exercises that activate the muscles. Make sure to use heavy weights and a large motion.

GYM CLUB -Commit to be fit.

Full body workout

Dumbbells are great to use in your training program, but did you know that you can do a full workout routine using only dumbbells?

The following program should be used in four rounds. Round one: 12 reps, Round two: 10 reps, Round three: 8 reps and finally Round four: 6 reps. Remember to rest around 45-60 seconds between each round.

Squat thrust 

How to do it: Stand holding a pair of dumbbells at your sides. Squat and kick your legs backward into a pushup position. Then quickly return your legs to a squat, stand up, and jump.

Photo of a sportsman exercising with a weight

Bent-over row 

How to do it: Holding a pair of dumbbells, bend at your hips and knees and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows and pull the dumbbells to the sides of your torso. Pause, and then slowly lower them.

Straight-leg deadlift 

How to do it: Using an overhand grip, hold the dumbbells in front of your thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and knees slightly bent. Bend at your hips to lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Pause, and raise back up.


How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, holding a pair of dumbbells next to your shoulders. Squat so your thighs are parallel to the floor. As you stand up, press the dumbbells up. Then lower them back down to your shoulders.

GYM CLUB-Commit to be fit.

Alternative dumbbell exercises

Dumbbells can be used in so many ways and they should definitely be a part of your routine at the gym. We have picked a series of exercises you can use to spice up your training.

Pushup-position curl

How to do it: Grab a pair of dumbbells and assume a pushup position with your palms facing each other. Spread your feet slightly. Your body should form a straight line from your head to your ankles. Now lift the dumbbell in your right hand off the floor slightly, and curl it toward your right shoulder. (Try not to move your upper arm.) Lower it, and repeat with your left arm. Continue alternating right and left curls for 30 to 60 seconds.

Rotational punches

How to do it: Stand tall with your feet slightly beyond shoulder-width apart. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in front of your ribs, palms facing each other. Twist your torso to the left by pivoting on your right foot, and punch straight out from your shoulder with the dumbbell in your right hand. Now pivot right, punching explosively with the dumbbell in your left hand. Continue alternating sides for 30 seconds; then rest for 30 seconds. Do this 5 times total.


Dumbbell pistol squat

How to do it: Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides and raise your left foot off the floor. Keeping your leg raised, lower your body into a squat, lifting the dumbbells in front of you. Return to the starting position. If that’s too hard, squat onto a bench. Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Overhead squat

How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a pair of dumbbells above your shoulders, palms forward. Lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Drive through your heels to return to the starting position. Do 5 sets of 10 reps.

Split-squat shoulder raise

How to do it: Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides, palms in, and assume a staggered stance, left foot forward. Lower your body until your left thigh is parallel to the floor. Pause, and push back up as you raise the dumbbells out to your sides. Lower them as you drop back into a split squat. Repeat for 5 minutes, resting as needed. Switch legs every 5 reps.


Six-pack sweeper

How to do it: Lie on your back with your feet together and a dumbbell in each hand next to your thighs, palms up. Raise your legs and upper body off the floor. Sweep your arms above your head in an arc, and then back to your sides. That’s 1 rep; do 3 sets of 10 to 20 reps.

Toe touch

How to do it: Assume a crab-walk position, holding a dumbbell in your left hand in front of your shoulder. Raise your right leg and reach for your toes with the dumbbell. Return to the starting position. Do 10 reps, switch arms and legs, and repeat. That’s 1 set; do 3.


Dumbbell discus

How to do it: With a dumbbell in your right hand, stand with your feet slightly beyond shoulder width. Turn right by pivoting on your left foot; bend your knees and lower your body as you reach back with your right arm and down with your left. Pivot left, swinging your right arm up and left arm back. Repeat for 20 seconds; rest 10 seconds. Switch hands and repeat in the other direction. Continue 4 minutes.




GYM CLUB-Commit to be fit.




Alternative ab excercises

Sometimes you might get tired from the crunches and the sit-ups. But did you know there is a world out there with alternative exercises for working on your core? Here is a few easy-to-do and effective exercises.

Hanging Knee Raises

How to do it: Hang from a bar or sturdy object, arms and legs straight, hands positioned slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Keeping your legs together, engage your shoulders and core to bring your knees to your chest (or as high as you can go). Engage your abs to extend legs back towards the floor.

Wood Choppers

How to do it: Stand up straight, feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart. If you have a medicine ball, or weight, hold it over your head with your arms straight, or go weight-free. Keeping your back straight and arms extended, bend from your waist and gently bend your knees two lower the medicine ball to the outside of your left foot. Engage your core to lift the medicine ball back up above your head. Repeat on opposite side.


Crunch Jump

How to do it: Stand up tall, feet hip-width apart, arms extended straight out in front of you. Bend from your knees, then jump up, engaging your abs to bring your knees close to your chest. Land with your knees bent to soften the impact. Straighten your legs, then repeat.

High Kicks

How to do it: Stand up tall with your back straight, feet together, arms held straight in front of your body at chest-height. Engaging your core, kick up your right leg, until your toes touch the tips of your fingers (or as far as you can go), without bending at your hips. Lower your leg with control, then repeat on the opposite side.

Knee-kicks with twist

How to do it: Stand with your back straight, feet hip-width apart, hands behind head. Shift your weight into your right leg, engaging your core to bring your left leg up to hip-height, bending at the knee. At the same time, squeeze your abs to twist your torso so that your right elbow comes to meet your left knee. Return to starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

GYM CLUB-Commit to be fit.

Quick workout for burning fat: Part three

This power workout will help to build your muscles and make your fat cry.You only need 20 minutes to kickstart your body into a heathy and balanced lifestyle. If you do this routine on a regular basis, you will see the results very soon.

Before you get started on your fast workout, remember to warm up.


20 minute workout

Each exercise should last around twenty seconds and you should have a ten seconds rest after you perform two exercises.

  • Knee-lift to squat
  • Push up

Rest 10 seconds

  • Squat punches
  • High knees and butt kicks

Rest 10 seconds

  • Touchdown jacks
  • Shuffle hop

Rest 10 seconds

  • Surfer burpees
  • Cross-body punches

Repeat the series four times.

If you want to challenge yourself, you can add weights to the routine. If you don’t get tired after this 20 minute workout you can combine it with out five minute or ten minute workouts that you will find here and here.


Quick workout for burning fat: Part two

Time is always of the essence and in our daily life we often attend to push our workout to another day, because we simply can’t find the time for it. The solution is not to wait, the solution is to start with a quick body boosting workout. Burn fat and build muscles in fifteen minutes.

Before you get started on your fast workout, remember to warm up.


15 minute workout

Each exercise should be around 45 seconds.

  • Ski jumps
  • Squat to press
  • Bicycle sit-ups
  • Plank with toe taps
  • Skip jacks

Rest for about 15 seconds and do the exercises again. In total you should do four rounds of the exercises.

If these 15 minutes don’t get your heart running and your body sweating you can add weights or you can do them in combination of our 10 min workout, linked here.

This is how quick, easy and timesaving a workout can be done. Fifteen minutes that will help you build muscles and burn fat at the same time. If you do them on a regular basis.

GYM CLUB -Commit to be fit.


Quick workout for burning fat: Part one

We all want to build muscles and burn fat in the fastest way possible and we fear that we don’t have time to work out. The good news is that there is no need to stay in the gym for hours, a ten, twenty or thirty minute workout will get your heart racing and your fat burning.

Before you get started on your fast workout, remember to warm up.


10 minute workout

Each exercise should be around 60 seconds.

  • Low lunges
  • Plank leglifts
  • Reverse tabletop leg lifts
  • Butt kicks
  • 180-degree jumps

You might want to do a little break here, before you start the next five minutes.

  • Squats with heal raise
  • Plie squats
  • Side plank
  • Push ups
  • 180-degree jumps

This is how quick, easy and timesaving a workout can be done. Ten minutes that will help you build muscles and burn fat at the same time. If you do them on a regular basis.

GYM CLUB -Commit to be fit.


5 tips to improve your chins and pull-ups

Chins or pullups

If you train for purely the aesthetic and want to develop the so-called “mirror muscles” chest and biceps, it looks like chin-up is the right choice.

For those who are thinking more on posture and neck and shoulder function pull-ups will be a better choice when you increasingly enable the lower trapezius witch is an important stabilizer of the scapula (shoulder blade) and has been shown to play a major role in the shoulder and neck health. For many this is under active and may need extra attention in training.

For those who are struggling with shoulder pain, they may also want to try with a neutral grip. This will be a more appropriate position for the shoulder since the upper and lower hand grip will cause a greater rotation of the upper arm. Using slings can be a good alternative if u suffer from shoulder pain since you then do not fix the arm to the same extent.


5 tips to improve your technique

Here you have a few tips to conduct the exercises effectively and safely:

  • Do not let your shoulders raised to the ears. The exercise should be started to activate the stabilizers of the scapula (shoulder blade) by pulling the shoulder blades slightly down and back. Thus, you will easily be able to pull yourself up by using your back muscles instead of just using your arms. This also ensures that the shoulder blades move together with the arms on the way up.
  • Breathe into the lower position and hold your breath on the way up – exhale on the way down – maintains the intra-abdominal pressure that helps keep the spine (backbone) straight
  • Keep the rest of the body stable – stabilizing the rest of the body to isolate and maximize training effect on the back and arms, in addition to a training effect for the core muscles. Avoid excessive use of hips and legs.
  • Immerse yourself checked right down -this is to stimulate the ekstentriske (decelerating) part of the performance that will give you an increased training effect with lower risk of injury. In addition, it is important that you extenders (stretching) fully elbow in the down position to get the most out of the exercise.
  • Be sure to get your chin over the rod. Many people have a tendency to stop the movement before this. Finish the movement to get the full effect.

GYM CLUB -Commit to be fit.